Samstag, 22. Februar 2025

6 Incidents Unmasking Social Media Giants as Enemies of Free Speech

(Robert Spencer/Townhall) “Hate speech is not free speech,” the Left increasingly insists – particularly on college and university campuses. In my new book The Complete Infidel’s Guide to Free Speech (and Its Enemies), I show why the very concept of hate speech is a scam. Here are the top seven:


4. Facebook banning anti-jihad opinions

(c) Amazon/

Facebook banned the page of a gay magazine, Gaystream, after it published an article by David Berger, its editor-in-chief, criticizing German gay activists and leftists for ignoring the Islamic root causes of the Orlando jihad massacre. Berger wrote,

“Whoever had thought the culmination of masochism and Islam-appeasement by left-green professional homosexuals was already achieved, will now be mistaken: it becomes even more masochistic and perverse.”



Here you can read the entire article


David Berger
David Berger
David Berger (Jg. 1968) war nach Promotion (Dr. phil.) und Habilitation (Dr. theol.) viele Jahre Professor im Vatikan. 2010 Outing: Es erscheint das zum Bestseller werdende Buch "Der heilige Schein". Anschließend zwei Jahre Chefredakteur eines Gay-Magazins, Rauswurf wegen zu offener Islamkritik. Seit 2016 Blogger (philosophia-perennis) und freier Journalist (u.a. für die Die Zeit, Junge Freiheit, The European).
