Samstag, 22. Februar 2025

Petition: Free Tommy Robinson!

Tommy Robinson has been arrested and jailed for reporting on Muslim grooming gangs. A job that he chooses to do with no regard for his own safety, informing the public of all the wrongs committed in the name of Allah.

Fighting against adversity and reporting on issues that our mainstream media are too afraid to speak of.

Tommy is raising issues that are affecting all of our communities, and that are being swept under the carpet and hidden from the public.

Its time we stand together, stand strong, and stand by his side.  


David Berger
David Berger
David Berger (Jg. 1968) war nach Promotion (Dr. phil.) und Habilitation (Dr. theol.) viele Jahre Professor im Vatikan. 2010 Outing: Es erscheint das zum Bestseller werdende Buch "Der heilige Schein". Anschließend zwei Jahre Chefredakteur eines Gay-Magazins, Rauswurf wegen zu offener Islamkritik. Seit 2016 Blogger (philosophia-perennis) und freier Journalist (u.a. für die Die Zeit, Junge Freiheit, The European).
